Your Requested Self-Drive Car Rental

Rental START
Starting Date & Time: Wednesday 26 February 2025, 08:00 AM
Delivery or Pickup Location: 2610 T. Ayala St, Sta. Ana, Manila

Rental END
Return Date & Time: Thursday 27 March 2025, 11:00 PM Warning... Office hours 8am-5pm only. No staff, no inspection. KEY DROP allowed.
Collection or Return Location: 2610 T. Ayala St, Sta. Ana, Manila

Note: If client is unable to show after one (1) hour for pick-up or return schedule based on the submitted and/or signed contract. Client will be charge for staff further waiting time of ₱500/hour or will be considered as NO SHOW in the absence of notice and/or payment.
Vehicle Information: 2022 Toyota Innova 2.8E AT Minivan
  • Automatic Transmission
  • 2.8 Liter Diesel Engine
  • 8 x seating capacity
  • 4 x luggages capacity
  • Non-smoking
  • Dual A/C
  • Dual SRS Airbag
  • Tinted
  • up to 14 kms/liter
  • Road-toll card & RFID included
2022 Toyota Innova 2.8E AT
Note: Image shown may differ from actual item in terms of plate number, color and other features that may be affected due to wear and tear and availability.
Detailed Rental Cost
Car Rental
Description Amount
Standard daily rate 2,777.78
Discounted daily rate 1,602.56
Duration, cut-off 11pm 30 day(s)
Rental cost 48,076.80
Base Rental Cost 48,076.80
Delivery 0.00
Collection 0.00
Comprehensive Insurance included FREE
 Damage Waiver
not included
 Roadside Assistance
not included
 Baby    Child Seat
not included
 Using Inter-Island Ferry
Add-ons Cost 0.00
Statement Summary
Description Amount
Base Rental Cost 48,076.80
Add-ons Cost 0.00
Total Rental Cost 48,076.80
accepts cash, bank transfer and all major credit/debit card, add 7% convenience fee when using card
Payment of Total Rental Cost is due upon Approval
12% VAT included. BIR2307 needed if subsidized.
Security Deposit Hold 15,000.00
uses Visa or Mastercard credit card for Pre-Auth and will be swiped during turn-over
Important instructions, must read carefully
  1. Client MUST present pre-approved valid and pertinent IDENTIFICATIONS for verification of identity such as driver's license and passport for foreigners.
  2. Client MUST be able to use his/her pre-approved credit card submitted during vehicle turn-over. Usage of someone else credit card is not permitted. Likewise, it will result to CANCELLATION.
  3. Advanced Payment. Client MUST pay the Total Amount Due ON or BEFORE your rental begins. We accept cash and client's own credit/debit card with 7% convenience fee.
  4. Security Deposit. You MUST show and authorize a credit charge of ₱15,000.00 from your credit card. And allow us at least 5 banking days to submit refund request (aka "chargeback"), if no liability. Your card issuer's rules will apply to your account being credited for the excess and it may not be immediately released by your card issuer.
  5. Reservation. We require full payment of RENTAL and approved requirements to RESERVE. This company reserves the right to reject or deny service to undesirable client even when they had made prior payment and approved requirements.
  6. Extentions. We allow extension of car rental subject to availability. Unpaid rental extension is charged at ₱2,777.78 per day. Three (3) consecutive days of unpaid rental extension, your status will be considered as client's "Refusal to Return" and will be subjected to legal action.
    NOTE: Failure to Return a rented vehicle in this country is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE under Republic Act 10883. Legal cost and recovery penalty applies.
  7. No SHOW. If client is unable to show after one (1) hour for pick-up or return schedule based on the submitted and/or signed contract. Client will be charge for staff further waiting time of ₱500/hour or will be considered as NO SHOW in the absence of notice and/or payment.
    NO SHOW in car rental PICK-UP or DELIVERY is equivalent to CANCELLATION of rental which carries a ₱9,000 penalty. NO SHOW in car rental RETURN or COLLECTION of vehicle carries a ₱3,000 penalty plus rental extension if applicable.
  8. Vehicle Inspection. A vehicle turn-over procedure must be: 1) ADEQUATELY CLEANED, and 2) IN A PROPER PLACE PERMITTED for proper inspection. Non-compliance: 1) DELIVERED vehicle, client may REJECT/CANCEL. 2) RETURNED vehicle will be collected without inspection and client is RESPONSIBLE for any liability found after inspection the following day. Return clean to avoid ₱1,500 penalty charge.
  9. Ferry Transport. Vehicles are not allowed to ferry (inter-island) transport without USING INTER-ISLAND FERRY add-ons. Client violation carries a penalty of ₱10,000 minimum to ₱100,000 maximum and cancellation of this rental contract without refund.
  10. Most rentals come with a tank full of fuel, but that is not always the case especially when car is delivered. Kindly return the fuel at the same level you had received them. Missing fuel will be charge ₱150/liter.
  11. KEY DROP - leave the key in the car in our garage. Operating hours are 8am to 5pm from Monday to Saturday, except holidays. Returning after operating hours is allowed by way of KEY DROP. Client is RESPONSIBLE for any liability found after inspection the following day.
Terms and Conditions

Before we deliver the requested car service, PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY. If there is anything you do not understand, please ask any member or staff for clarification. If you do not accept or disagree with any of the terms and conditions below is tantamount to cancellation of your rental request.

  1. Client responsibilities

    1. You will be charged for any loss and/or damages to the vehicle both knowingly or unknowingly not covered by insurance.
    2. You will be charged for any misuse or unfair usage of the vehicle such as: loss key, battery discharge, tire damage, smoking or e-cigarette, filthy interior/exterior and alike attributable to your use.
    3. You will be charged for missing fuel (150/liter), missing road-toll card (2,000/card), missing road-toll topup + 500 penalty/card, parking, traffic fines/penalties and administrative fees incurred as a result of your rental.
    4. Item(s) left behind and brought under the notice of our staff is termed as “Lost and Found” item. Non-perishable valuable item(s) are kept for a period of two (2) weeks. And perishable item(s) are kept for two (2) days. If unclaimed, disposal of such items will be conducted.

  2. Insurance and damage protection policy

    Your rental with us INCLUDES or POSSESS two (2) types of insurance without additional fee. They are 1.) Compulsory Third-Party Liability (TPL) insurance; and 2.) Comprehensive insurance. This covers third-party, collision, theft and damage to property. Please be mindful that insurance claims are subject for approval. And the amount covered by the insurance has its limits. Therefore, exceeding and/or denied claims will be the sole responsibility of the CLIENT RENTER.

    1. Client agrees to pay the insurance participation (deductible) fee and/or betterment charges.
    2. Client agrees to pay a JUST COMPENSATION FOR THE VEHICLE'S LOSS DAYS REVENUE, due to repair or replacement if partially damaged, totally damaged or stolen vehicle. Insurance does not cover LOSS DAYS REVENUE.
    3. Client's MAXIMUM LIABILITY is ₱312,500.00. In case of severe damage, total loss and/or total damage due to accident, theft or Act of Nature, a police report is a MUST for an insurance claim.
    4. Client may opt-in for a Damage Waiver for an additional fee, which waive insurance participation and/or deductible fees.
    5. Client's non-compliance with insurance requirements. Clients will be fully liable for all the expenses incurred without the use of car insurance.

  3. What to do if you had an accident

    1. Make yourself secure;
    2. Report or call us immediately; and
    3. Report or call a police or traffic enforcer straight away to report the incident.

      POLICE REPORT or TRAFFIC INCIDENT REPORT is a MUST for accident or damage insurance claim. In the absence of such reports, client may alternatively file an AFFIDAVIT OF ACCIDENT duly notarized by a lawyer. In the absence of such documents, client is fully liable for all the expenses incurred without the use of car insurance.

  4. Changes or Cancellation

    1. There is no penalty fee for making changes in your add-ons, like: GPS navigator, baby/child car seat, road-side assistance, and pick-up and/or return locations within serviceable area.
    2. Non-allowable changes include: method of advance payment; client name; changing dates or time. If you still wish to make these changes, you must cancel your original Car Rental Agreement with applicable cancellation fee and re-book at the current rates.
    3. If you need to cancel at least 7 days ahead of your scheduled pick-up date, you may cancel and request a refund less a ₱6,000.00 cancellation fee or as indicated in the Important instructions for No SHOW.
    4. If you cancel your reservation within 6 days of the scheduled pick-up date or if you fail to pick up the rental vehicle, you may request a refund less ₱9,000.00 cancellation fee or as indicated in the Important instructions for No SHOW.
    5. We understand that sometimes your travel plans change. But, NO REFUND for pre-termination (early check-out) of on-going rented cars.
    6. To request a refund, you must send an email request at the soonest. Refund (paid amount less the cancellation fee) will be returned either by check or Western Union.

  5. Credit or Debit Card Authorization and Collections

    If you do not pay all amounts due to us, including all charges, fees, expenses, fines, penalties, and all matters associated with the rental of the car including, without limitation, payment for loss of or damage to the car, rental charges, parking, traffic fines and penalties, toll charges, towing, storage and impoundment fees, we will take action. You authorize us to charge any amounts due to us including, but not limited to, the Charges and Costs referenced above, to your credit or debit card.

    I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, hereby authorize PHILIPPINERENTACAR INC. to take charges on this credit/debit card for my use of their rental car and additional extras, administrative charges, fines or penalties incurred during the rental. I accept full responsibility for any transactions that occur on the said credit/debit card.

    Name on Card: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Credit/Debit Card #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expiry Date: _ _ / _ _

    Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date Signed: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

  6. Use of GPS Tracking

    We use GPS tracking devices to track or locate cars which may be late for their scheduled return, reported stolen, suspected of being lost, stolen, or abandoned or as may be required or requested by law enforcement, or to identify cars which have been damaged and may require roadside assistance, when we have a good faith belief that there is an emergency that poses a threat to your safety or the safety of another person, or as necessary to defend, protect or enforce our rights in connection with the use of our products and/or services. You should have no expectation of privacy or confidentiality as to the places where the car is driven while rented to you.

  7. Governing law

    This agreement is governed by the laws of the Philippines in which it is signed. Any dispute may be settled in the courts of Manila, Philippines.
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